Muse Mantra is proud to offer Guitar Group Lessons in the park where students and instructors can interact in a group setting while minimizing exposure to COVID-19.
Guitar in the Park will provide the benefits of In-Person group learning without compromising the safety of our students and instructors.
Two Age Groups
Rookies - ages 8 through 12
Mavericks - ages 12+
Frequency - Once a week
Rookies - Every Tuesday from 6:00 to 6:45 pm*
Mavericks - Every Wednesday from 6:00 pm to 6:45 pm*
Duration - 45 Minutes each week
Instructors - Hayden Patrick & Wendell Landers
Location - Northshore Park, 2505 Lake Woodlands Dr, The Woodlands, TX 77381
Fee - $75 per month (4 x 45 Minutes lessons per month)
*Timing will change as winter approaches to end the lesson before sundown.